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Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Department

Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Department

The department houses two residential programs: the入门级听力医生(AUD)计划和发展语言病理学科学硕士(MS)程序。有两个在线程序:后期听力医生(AUD)当前听力学从业者的计划,后期听力学非学位医生option, which provides professional continuing education. The mission of A.T. Still University’s (ATSU) Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology is to educate outstanding doctors of audiology and speech-language pathologists who are critical thinkers, leaders, innovators, and compassionate healthcare practitioners.



发展中speech-language pathology programis set within a leading health sciences university to provide comprehensive education and clinical training with a unique focus on whole-person healthcare, inter-professional collaborative practice, and lifelong learning. Speech-language pathology is a vibrant and growing healthcare profession with an increased need for a culturally diverse workforce to address the needs of individuals with communication disorders from culturally and linguistically diverse populations, including the use of interpreters to provide ethical services to these populations.

Speech-language pathology professionals are committed to excellence in the delivery of services (assessment, diagnosis, and treatment) to individuals with speech, language, and swallowing disorders and to the advancement of the scientific foundations of the profession using evidence-based clinical practices. They are scholars and leaders who make a global impact. Speech-language pathologists have careers in many different education, healthcare, and research settings. Preparation for licensure and clinical practice in speech-language pathology requires a master’s degree with academic and clinical preparation.

ATSU’s Arizona School of Health Sciences residential audiology and speech-language pathology programs consistently seek new, culturally and linguistically diverse, high-quality training sites. If you know of a facility interested in providing clinical rotations for doctor of audiology students, please contact Director of Clinical Education Patricia Dabrowski, AuD, atpdabrowski@atsu.edu


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The Doctor of Audiology (AuD) entry level program at ATSU is a four-year post baccalaureate program that includes three years of didactic and laboratory course work with essential clinical experiences beginning in the first term and culminating in full-time clinical rotations in the fourth year. The curriculum is designed to prepare exceptional professionals through creating a solid scientific foundation and immersing students in extensive classroom and laboratory activities to promote mastery of the competencies necessary to provide effective patient-centered care for the diagnosis and treatment of hearing and balance disorders. Graduates will be prepared to handle the broad scope of audiologic care, including the diagnosis and management of auditory and/or vestibular system deficits for all ages, tinnitus management, hearing conservation, and neuro-audiologic examination, as well as the management and business aspects of audiology.见认证。





注意:A.T。的科学硕士(MS)教育计划仍然是美国 - 阿里佐纳大学卫生科学学院是美国语音语言听觉协会的听力学和语言病理学学院学院委员会(CAA)候选人的申请人,2200 Research Boulevard,#310,Rockville,MD。,20850,800.498.2071或301.296.5700。如果获得批准,该计划计划在2022年秋季承认其第一批学生。





ATSU’s online Doctor of Audiology program is a post-professional program that offers the Doctor of Audiology (AuD) degree for practicing audiologists who have already earned a master’s degree in audiology. The curriculum offers customized academic plans to meet individual learners’ needs and the flexibility to allow audiologists to continue to practice while completing the degree. Graduates are able to immediately apply the relevant advanced knowledge and skills to their practices to enhance their patient care and professional satisfaction.见认证。




The Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology Non-Degree option is designed for practicing audiologists, holding a master’s or doctoral degree in audiology (e.g. MA, MS, AuD or PhD) with a minimum of one year of full-time practice as a licensed/certified/registered audiologist.



Tabitha Parent-Buck, AuD|听力学和语言病理学系主席

Andrea Ruotolo, AuD|Program Director

MaríaCenteno-Vazquez博士,CCC-SLP,BCS-S|Program Director

Christine Vining,博士,CCC-SLP|Director of Clinical Education

安·李·伯奇(Ann Lee Burch),PT,MPH,EDD|院长

Craig Phelps,Do,faoasm总统

克林顿·诺莫尔(Clinton Normore),MBA多样性与包容十博登陆不了性副总裁


The住宅AUD计划incorporates basic science education with clinical education through a combination of on-campus classes and labs, unique clinical rotations throughout the local area and in the ATSU余额问题预防计划and the ATSU department of audiology School and Senior Screening program. These activities strengthen students’ communication skills, confidence in patient interactions and interprofessional collaboration skills, while instilling in them a sense of social responsibility. In addition, the ATSU department of audiology established its own university clinic, theAFA平衡与听力研究所2013年,在亚利桑那州梅萨(Mesa),作为卓越的中心,以全面听力和平衡患者的护理和学生的临床教育。该研究所充当私人实践,为学生提供了一些宝贵的机会调查和应用关键业务管理概念,此外除了临床技能外。


Through a strong and supportive network of澳元校友和高质量的AUD课程,ATSU的听力学学位提供了出色的临床教育,并具有无与伦比的商业培训和社区服务的奉献精神。AUD计划具有挑战性和有益,确保ATSU AUD毕业生的能力最高,全面的准备。


Audiologists make a difference through a whole person clinical approach, high professional standards, a passion for learning, and serving unmet community health needs. Browse stories from seasoned audiologists across the globe and become inspired with examples of how doctors of audiology implement practical solutions to improve the delivery of whole person-centered hearing and balance care. Learn from audiologists who are committed to lifelong learning and advancing the profession through enhanced patient care, health education, and industry leadership. Find out why audiologists love ATSU's AuD program for their graduate education. Browse澳元的生活时刻


Audiology scholarly showcase








在。仍然是大学十博登录网址department provides support for the University’s schools, graduates and the professional community to fulfill their potential throughout their careers and ultimately impact patient care and well-being. The Continuing Education department serves to improve professional knowledge and skills; fosters a positive impact on patient outcomes; exposes clinicians to new information; and develops an interdisciplinary, healthcare team approach to treating patients and improving community/population health through the development and implementation of cost-effective, evidence-based education programs.

